
Sesshomaru-Inuyasha BIA: Chapter 8

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殺生丸  &  犬夜叉:  きょうだい イン  甲鉄
Sesshomaru & Inuyasha: Kyoudai de Kōtetsu 
Sesshomaru & Inuyasha: Brothers in Arms

章 8 -- 私, 殺生, 庇い立て 誰ひとりとして
Sho 8 --  Watashi, Sesshomaru, Kabaitate Darehitoritoshite 
Chapter 8--I, Sesshomaru, Protect No One

Slinging the axe across his shoulder with an almighty thrust, Inuyasha knew the job would be a lot easier if he simply used his Tetsusaiga to smash the tree to smithereens, but Toutousai had just sharpened it last week, and said he wasn't going to do it again if he insisted upon using it as some kind of hack saw instead of as a sword. But the problem was, he'd had no cause to use it as anything but a hack saw since Naraku's death. Sesshomaru wouldn't even fight with him anymore and other than a few low level youkai that he could probably handle with his claws as long as he was in his hanyou form, there wasn't much else to fight. Besides, he didn't exactly have pin point control when it came to swinging his Tetsusaiga any way, which would probably result in half the forest being torn apart. That though probably wouldn't be a bad thing now that he thought about it, since then, all the villagers would have more than enough wood to survive not only this winter, but the next one as well.

"Inuyasha-san, this is edible, isn't it?" Rin asked holding up a wavy edged mushroom she had picked from the base of one of the nearby trees.

The two had ventured deep into the forest to retrieve a supply of wood to replenish the nearly empty wood pit in Kaede-babaa's hut. Inuyasha knew her supply had been depleted because of whatever the hell Sesshomaru had done to save his life, but he didn't want to think about that, or that crazy youkai anymore. Rin had accompanied him on the trip because she said she wanted to get away from the village. He hadn't really wanted to bring her along, because lately, she always seemed to want to tag along with him; but he assumed it was probably only because he was her precious Lord Sesshomaru's younger brother and since it was likely his fault that youkai hadn't shown himself lately, he figured it was the least he could do.

Wiping his forehead with the back of his arm; his thoughts immediately flew to his mother as he took the mushroom from her hand and turned it over. Inuyasha could clearly see the telltale network of gill-like ridges running down the stem. He remembered that this was his mother's favorite mushroom. He was always amazed at how clear his memories of her were despite the fact that she'd been dead for over 170 years now. But when he thought back on it, he knew he had spent a lot of time thinking about her and how their lives had been before her death, as he'd hid in the hollows of those caves, wishing she was still there; especially when those youkai would find him. He remembered Sesshomaru asking him why he hadn't killed those youkai Naraku had left behind, but how could he possibly tell him why he really hated caves.

"When you see these blunt cross veins," Inuyasha said pointing out the mushroom's numerous blunt-edged forks and cross veins. "You'll know what you have is a Chanterelle. The Jack O'Lanterns which look a little like these, usually grow in the fall and glows in the dark; but those will make you pretty sick. This one is edible," he added studying it somberly, "but it's also pretty touch. It needs to be cooked a long time."

"Oh," Rin said with apparent disappointment. Obviously enticed by the fruity apricot fragrance, she looked like she wanted to pop one into her mouth this very minute and would probably just sit down and die because she couldn't.

Despite not wanting to think about Sesshomaru, Inuyasha's thoughts couldn't help but drift to him when he took in Rin's disappointed features. Something about her just made you want to protect her and erase whatever pain she felt and Inuyasha couldn't help but wonder if she did the same to that youkai lord. But he immediately dismissed the thought. He had no idea why Sesshomaru had taken care of Rin, but nothing would ever convince him that he gave a shit what she felt like.

"Maybe you can bring some back and Kaede-babaa can cook it," he offered as his only immediate solution. Kid certainly couldn't eat that mushroom now. In addition to being tough, it probably had a bunch of nasty bugs on it and needed to be washed. It probably wouldn't bother him, but he was certain it wouldn't be good for a human kid to take in a belly full of nasty little critters.

"You think so?" Rin asked with new hope in her eyes at the thought that Kaede-san might cook some mushrooms tonight.

"Yeah, just gather up a bunch and wrap them in my haori over there," he said pointing to the fire-rat haori he had removed and placed beside a nearby tree next to his Tetsusaiga before he'd started chopping wood. "Maybe later, we can also look for some potatoes or some other kind of vegetables."

"Ooh, that's wonderful, Inuyasha-san," Rin said excitedly, then quickly scooted over to retrieve the haori, with the obvious intention of filling it with as many mushrooms as she could uproot, as if afraid the mushrooms would somehow get up and run away. Watching her for a moment or two, Inuyasha couldn't help but wonder what task Kaede-babaa was going to make him do when that kid walked in with a bunch of mushrooms that needed to be cooked, especially since it was his idea. But he was grateful at least that her hut didn't require any repairs since all the male villagers had recently rebuilt it after it was destroyed by Magatsuhi.

"Inuyasha-san," Rin stopped after a few minutes of working to retrieve her mushrooms and turned toward him. "Are you going to see Lord Sesshomaru?"

Now where the hell did that come from, Inuyasha wondered. "I told you before, just Inuyasha," he nearly snarled, not certain if it was because this was the third time he'd told her the same thing, or because she'd just mentioned Sesshomaru's name; the one person he was trying not to think about. "Remember, you slept on my chest. You're not supposed to do something like that unless we're really close friends," he said, hoping to drive home the point finally. "And close friends don't have to use honorifics when they talk to each other. Okay?"

"Ahh, yes," Rin said softly with a touch of disappointment in her voice. "Sorry, Inuyasha-sa... Inuyasha," she corrected herself as she studied him with wide, brown-eyed regret. "Are you going?" she asked again as she tilted her head in query.

"I don't know," Inuyasha lied. He knew perfectly well he had absolutely no intentions of going back to see his brother. In fact, he was actually waiting for the day that youkai lord decided it was time he came to take his life. He just couldn't figure out why he hadn't done it yet. "Why?"

"'Cause I want to go with you," Rin said, finally disclosing the purpose of her question.

"Why do you want to do that?" Inuyasha asked, stopping to study her; genuinely puzzled as he rested on the edge of the axe he had borrowed from Kaede-babaa. He really had no idea why a kid like her would want to be bothered with such a stuck up youkai. As sweet as she might be, he also had no idea why Sesshomaru would want her around either. He'd never struck him as the kind of person to be affected by any kind of sweetness.  Knowing Sesshomaru, he would just look at it as some form of weakness or something. But Inuyasha guessed things were just different when it involved him; which just showed how stuck up Sesshomaru truly was. Anything he did was perfect; anything anyone else did, well that was a different story. But still, they seemed like such a mismatched pair.

"'Cause I'm worried," Rin said, her face taking on a disheartened look; far more disappointed than she'd looked, even when he'd given her the news that she couldn't eat the mushrooms just yet. "Lord Sesshomaru hasn't been back since he made you better, and I want to make sure he didn't get sick."

"He's not sick," Inuyasha nearly growled. He felt fairly confident that except for the time when he'd almost killed him, that youkai had never been sick a day in his life. And he wouldn't exactly say he was sick then either; just pretty much dying; but his stupid aim had missed the mark. But, he was glad it had then; now, he almost wished it hadn't. If it hadn't he wouldn't be sweating it out right now.

"Are you sure?" Rin asked, doubtfully; incapable of understanding how her lord could be well but had not come to see her. It had been nearly a month since the last time she saw him. "So much water was pouring off him when he took care of you; I just want to make sure he didn't get a fever."

"Youkai don't get fevers," Inuyasha nearly barked. He couldn't figure out why he was so angry. It wasn't so much that he didn't like her, as much as it was probably because she insisted upon talking about that damned Sesshomaru. And he really didn't want to be bothered with such a thought; not to mention that every time he did think about him, he couldn't get past his own personal guilt.

"They don't?" Rin asked with surprise. "But you had one Inuyasha-san. Lord Sesshomaru said so."

"Just Inuyasha," he reminded her for the fourth time. "And no, they don't. Not unless they're half dead," he responded snippily; knowing there was no way that youkai would be half dead from anything; no matter how much he might have wanted it. "And I'm not a youkai. I'm just a hanyou," he said knowing he wouldn't have had a fever then either if he hadn't been attacked in his human form. "And what water?"

"All the water that was pouring off his head," Rin said drawing her hands down the length of her head to simulate the flow of water she had seen pouring off her lord. "The room was so hot, that water poured off me too, when I went inside," she said, turning to pull more mushrooms from the base of the tree and piling them onto the red, fire-rat material. "My stomach felt kind of sick after a couple of minutes; but Lord Sesshomaru stayed inside with you all the time and fed you water through your mouth even though water was pouring off your head too."

Inuyasha stopped what he was doing and studied her intently now. What was she talking about; then, he realized. "You mean sweat?"

"No," Rin stopped and looked up at him. "Kaede-san said it was purse... purse.."

"Perspiration. Sweat. Same thing," Inuyasha informed her, then went back to chopping more wood. "But if it was that much water, it was probably closer to sweat than anything."

"Well, I just know it was a lot of water all over his head and face." Rin said, moving her hands in large circular motions around her own head once again, as if he had somehow missed her previous demonstration. "His hair was all wet and he didn't look like Lord Sesshomaru," she added as she placed a finger in front of her mouth as if trying to quiet her own thoughts. But in addition to the wet hair, she remembered her lord did not have his armor or his mokomoko; and that was the first time she'd ever seen him without them. "And I know he looked sick, but he wouldn't leave you to die."

Inuyasha stopped once more and studied her. Was she trying to make him feel even more guilty or something? Well he certainly didn't need her help with that. Even though it had been a little over two weeks, he still hadn't gotten the look of his claw marks on Sesshomaru's face out of his head. "How hot was it in the room?"

"I don't know," Rin shrugged. "But it must have been pretty hot. Kaede-san said 'that youkai got the heat up to high-heaven. I hope he don't burn down the hut'."

Inuyasha almost wanted to laugh as he watched her puff out her cheeks and scrunch up her face to look as close to Kaede-babaa as she could. "And Sesshomaru stayed there with me?"

"Yes, he said he wouldn't let you die." Then she held up the mushroom stuffed haori. It contained nearly three dozen pieces. "Do you think this is enough?" she asked, wondering if she'd gotten enough for the three of them.

"Yeah, that should be more than enough," Inuyasha replied as he considered her last statement. "Sesshomaru said he wouldn't let me die?" he asked, needing to know more.

"Yes, that's because you're his little brother," Rin said smiling and clutching the haori to her chest as she rose to her feet. "And he didn't want his brother to die."

Now, that was really funny. The girl obviously knew nothing about that youkai she had traveled with, Inuyasha thought as he refocused his attention to the pile of logs at his feet. He probably had enough of that as well, and besides, he didn't want to make two trips. It wasn't like the forest was running out of trees; he could always come back in a couple of days or so. Besides, Kaede-babaa really only needed it for cooking now. It would be quite some time before she'd need enough for warmth as well. It was still the middle of the summer. "You mean until he killed me, that is," he grumbled.

Rin turned a puzzled gaze toward him. "He didn't say that. Is Lord Sesshomaru going to kill you Inuyasha-sa... Inuyasha? Why?" she asked with a horrified gasp.

Hearing the panic in her voice, Inuyasha stared at her. Clearly, she had no idea how much Sesshomaru hated him. Should he tell her and save her the trouble of angering Sesshomaru by asking herself? Maybe telling her would open her eyes to the true character of that youkai she loved so much. "No, I was just joking," Inuyasha responded, deciding what was the point.

Puzzled, Rin twisted her head as she studied him curiously; obviously she didn't see the humor in what he'd said.

"So can you take me to see him?" she asked after a moment or two, apparently deciding to let that subject drop. "I also want to see Ah-Un and Master Jaken and I want to make sure Lord Sesshomaru doesn't forget about Rin. I want to let him know how much I've learned. He said he couldn't take me back until I learned a few things."

"He never told you what he wanted you to learn?" Inuyasha asked, again directing his attention and efforts to chopping a few additional pieces of wood. He knew his brother wanted her to receive some kind of survival training, but apparently, he hadn't told her that. Now, he hadn't even bothered to come to see her, and Inuyasha knew that was probably his fault; because he probably didn't want to come and kill him in front of his little brat. But he probably shouldn't say that. Rin wasn't nearly as much of a pain in the rear as some of the other little idiots in the village. Sure, she had that habit of wanting to tag along with him, but she was a lot more courteous than those other little buggers when she did; in addition to giving him his space when he needed it. She had a grip like a freaking bear, but she would never just run up and pull on his ears the way those little monsters tried to do.  

But to miss Sesshomaru, shit; kid had to be some kind of freaking desperate or just plain stupid. But maybe it was just that she was just so damned lonely with no family.  But Inuyasha had to admit, he understood perfectly well what it was like feeling that kind of loneliness. But was he so damned lonely now that he'd want to go back and make peace with Sesshomaru? Absolutely not. But Inuyasha paused as he reflected on the fact that it was his fault they weren't talking this time, wasn't it? Sesshomaru was actually trying to be civil to him for once in his life, wasn't he?

He'd spent the last couple of weeks waiting for Sesshomaru to come and kill him. No, he probably shouldn't say he was just waiting for him, because he'd be damned if he'd just sit there and let that crazy youkai kill him without putting up some kind of resistance; but he wasn't stupid.

If I truly wanted you dead, you would be!

He knew Sesshomaru was probably one of, if not the most powerful youkai alive. But he'd certainly try to put up one hell of a fight that youkai would never forget. If he did show up, he'd simply have to depend on his Tetsusaiga to hit the mark this time.  

But as he thought about it, what was surprising to him, is why had Sesshomaru simply walked away when he had called him out that time? Why hadn't he already come to kill him? But hell, none of this mattered, it was just like it was before, he could think and think, and no answers would ever come.

Then, Inuyasha thought about something else. Sesshomaru had asked him to check with Sango, but maybe if he'd just start training the kid himself, he could go back to that youkai lord and tell him he'd trained his little princess, maybe then he'd forgive him for ripping his face open. Shit, that was probably the craziest thing he'd ever thought of in his entire life. If anyone had done the same thing to him, he most certainly would never forgive them; no matter what the heck they did for him. Why would he think, for even one second that jerk brother of his would ever forgive a hanyou he'd already made clear, he hated.

Inuyasha stopped chopping wood all together as he got lost in thought. He realized that even in all his criticism of Sesshomaru, he never once really thought about what it actually meant for him to have saved him. The only thing he'd thought about was what Sesshomaru had done to him, using his freaking fangs and shit. He'd thought a lot about how he felt just thinking about that arrogant youkai putting his mouth all over his body. But he'd never really thought about how that proud youkai lord must have felt to have done something like that; to believe he had no other way of getting that poison out of him, other than sucking and sweating the shit out. That's probably because he'd never believed Sesshomaru had a heart. You had to have a heart to feel anything. But what did it matter? There was only one person who knew why Sesshomaru had saved him; and that was Sesshomaru himself. Probably wished he hadn't done it now.

You filthy hanyou, I should have let you die.

Inuyasha closed his eyes. He felt sick just thinking about those words. But what else could he have expected him to say after what he'd done. But it still hurt; it hurt deeply. If only he knew why. He just wished he knew why.

As much as he might try to deny it, Inuyasha knew he'd reacted the way he had because he resented the fact that youkai lord had done anything for him at all. No, he had to stop fooling himself. It made little difference if Sesshomaru was courteous to him now or not; it all went back to the time when he was a brat. He'd thought a lot about it during those couple of days he'd spent in his brother's camp; he had never admitted it before, but practically every waking moment of his life for over 100 years, he had thought about how much Sesshomaru hated him; but he knew his hatred of Sesshomaru went back to one thing -- he hated Sesshomaru for leaving him behind.


"Huh?" He responded, shaking himself from his misery.

"Are you going ...?"

Was it always going to be like Sesshomaru had said; they were just destined to fight forever? No, he didn't believe that. Sesshomaru was trying before, wasn't he; but was he doing the same; or was he simply clinging to old times?

"Tell you what. Maybe I'll go see Sesshomaru in a day or two," he said, not really sure why. "I'll let him know you want to see him. If he's still making camp nearby, then I'll take you down to see him, okay."

"You will?"

"Yeah, I will," Inuyasha smiled as he leaned forward and rubbed her head. "We're friends. And friends don't lie to each other, do they?" He knew Sesshomaru hated him. He didn't know why, but he knew he did. But he also new if there was any way to fix this; he was going to try.

"Thank you, Inuyasha-sa.. Inuyasha," Rin squealed as she wrapped her arms tightly around his leg. Inuyasha couldn't help thinking this kid was definitely meant to be a youkai killer. If he didn't watch out, she was likely to kill him with that grip of hers one of these days.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

The mid-afternoon sun blazed bright and warm above the youkai lord's head, as a light breeze wafted gently around him. The summer days were always the same, warm, with a light breeze and every so often a little rain. Sesshomaru strolled slowly as he patrolled the banks near the outer edges of the western lands, not far from where he made his camp. He would not go back on official patrol for a couple of weeks, but for now, he would at least patrol the local areas for any possible threats.

Continuing slowly, but steadily down the open path, Sesshomaru's anger was in perfect check despite the fact that it still boiled deep inside of him. He had rarely had a problem controlling his emotions, but what he struggled with now were his thoughts. It had been nearly three weeks since that hanyou had scarred his face, but he could scarcely believe that even now, he had allowed his mind to be absorbed by him. It was unbelievable that he had allowed him to inflict damage upon his body yet again, and had not taken his life. Why had he not? He would have allowed no one else to live, had they done the same. Why had he allowed that foolish hanyou such freedom? When he had taken his left arm, he had held no grudge. His left arm had been taken in battle. With the use of their chichi-ue's sword, the hanyou had simply gotten the better of him that day. But his recent acts, he had no explanation for.

Whether you like it or not, I'm not you Sesshomaru, and I never will be!

But what bothered the youkai lord most was that he, Sesshomaru, had no explanation for why he had allowed him to continue to live. Was it because he had made that promise to his chichi-ue? No, that could not be it. He had kept his promise. He said he would try, and he had. It was the hanyou who had not valued his efforts and attacked. So, why had he permitted him a freedom he did not deserve? Why had he simply not pursued him and taken his life as of yet?

"Lord Sesshomaru, when are we going back on patrol?" Jaken asked with renewed hope for future prospects now that that silly girl would no longer accompany them.

Sesshomaru's thoughts remained diverted to the hanyou. Inuyasha was nothing to him; nothing. He was nothing more than a foul-mouthed hanyou that dared push this daiyoukai to the edges of reason, and yet he had allowed him to live. Why? But in truth, Sesshomaru knew why he had not killed him. And the youkai lord knew it was because he had defiled himself to save the filthy hanyou's life. Because he had spent four days of his own life, serving as that hanyou's nursemaid; because at some point during those four days, he had decided he did not want him to die. Because he had also thought his live valuable enough to save; and gave him his own blood to ensure his recovery. To take his life now after he had dishonored himself so; was an insanity he could not accept.

Sesshomaru knew his desire to kill the hanyou emanated from the fact that he had considered him nothing but a constant reminder of his chichi-ue's weakness; and it had angered him that his chichi-ue had shown himself to be so. He had always considered his chichi-ue a powerful and revered ruler; and it had been his intent to exceed him in power, but it had not occurred as he had planned. Ever since he had found out the hanyou had not died after being sealed for so long, and knowing his chichi-ue had bequeathed his sword to him, he had been merciless in his hatred of his very existence.

He had often considered his chichi-ue's death dishonorable; to die at the hand of a filthy human insect, protecting a human woman. But, would his own life not be discredited if he took the life of the hanyou he had literally dishonored himself to save? He would not allow that. He may well kill him one day, but for now, that hanyou best enjoy what miserable life he had left.

"Lord Sesshomaru. Wait for me, melord. I'm commiinng," Jaken sang out again, his little legs making every effort to keep pace, though he was falling behind quickly.  

Sesshomaru also knew the main reason he had probably not taken his life, is because over these past weeks, he had found himself wrestling with thoughts of the hanyou's life. He had found himself thinking of what his life had been like to grow up alone, frightened, and even human, to all appearances at times. He, himself, had been alone for some time, at least until he had met Jaken and even Rin after his chichi-ue's death, but that was his choice. The hanyou had been alone because his okaa-san had died while he was still young, but that was merely a trait of human frailty; but then, his only living kin had also simply discarded him. Sesshomaru knew he had never treated him with kindness. Before he had not cared, but now..., now he was uncertain. He had never been uncertain before. Is that what the changes in his heart were doing to him? Creating such levels of uncertainty?

Lately, he was fully aware that there was a great deal of uncertainty that flowed through him. He no longer always saw things from his own perspective. He was beginning to see things from the perspective of others. Did his reluctance to take the hanyou's life have something to do with the fact that his heart was truly changing? Was he indeed beginning to show that same weakness his chichi-ue had displayed? Was his constant thoughts of the hanyou's life a result of that change? If so, why would his heart change now? But, the more critical thing, was did he want his heart to change? He had never thought about it. Whatever changes his heart might be undergoing, it had begun to occur without his realization. Could he stop it? Should he? Again, that was just a sign of more uncertainty for him to deal with and he could not accept such levels of uncertainty within himself.

Reluctant though he might be; Sesshomaru knew his life was no longer as simple as it used to be. There were many things he found himself considering that he had never deemed important enough to consider before. Long before the hanyou had been sealed, he had thought of him as nothing more than a mistake and had looked down his nose at him. He had called him little brother on many occasions, but never truly regarded him as such.

Now, though, he remembered when the hanyou, himself, could have taken his life had he so desired, but he had not. During that battle inside Naraku's body, he had displayed some degree of control despite the fact that he had been overtaken by his youkai blood and was being manipulated by Magatsuhi. He had deliberately missed when Magatsuhi had forced him to initiate his meidou zangetshuha attack and aimed it directly at him. Clearly, he had not been as completely senseless as he had previously thought. The hanyou had even fought himself, in an attempt to free himself of Magatsuhi's control. That was not a control achievable by just any hanyou. The blood that flowed through him was truly his chichi-ue's. So for now, he would allow him to live.

"L-o-o-oord Shessho-o-o-omaruuu!" Jaken sang out in a boisterous tone; an obvious attempt to gain his master's attention. He could not decide what was worse; to simply be ignored by his lord, or to be ignored while his lord paid more heed to a foolish human girl.

Having decided not to seek the hanyou out and take his life today, Sesshomaru knew it was probably best if the hanyou heeded his words. There was no guarantee that if he ever layed sight on him, even in general passing, that he would not kill him then. His heart may well have changed, but he could not say he believed it had changed so much that he would not kill him if he ever sighted him again; which was one of the primary reasons he had not visited Rin lately.

Scenting a violent change in the wind, Sesshomaru came to a stop, then turned to face an approaching dust cloud. A distant swarm of youkai was headed in his direction. Their scent reeked overly of demon wolf dogs accompanied by a myriad of male youkai breeds and a lone female. He had never known such varied youkai to travel together. Who were they? Were they coming to him? For what purpose?

A swirl of blinding wind and dust approached quickly from the south; ripping apart the earth and kicking up the soil as it moved; coating the sky with a thick, dark misty brown cloud. Not exactly the stealthiest of approaches.

"Lord Sesshomaru," a female youkai gushed smoothly as she approached him. "I was not told you were so beautiful," she said coming to an abrupt stop; a torrent of wind and dust settling at her feet. Though he had scented and expected to see several higher level youkai; this youkai was accompanied only by demon wolves. Two sets of about a dozen wolf demon dogs flanked each of her sides. This lone female youkai was indeed not at all what he had expected.

"Lord Sesshomaru, who is that? Do you know that youkai?" Jaken asked, running up to stand close to Sesshomaru's heels as he stopped and turned to look at the new arrivals.

"Who are you?" Sesshomaru demanded, standing erect and tall as usual. Though he had scented enough to know she was not a youkai to be trusted, he had not even bothered to take up an attack stance or to draw his weapon. "Should I know you?"

"I am Princess Edera, Mistress of the southern lands."

Sesshomaru studied her intently; his golden eyes narrowing at the presence before him. He did not know her; but he believed he knew of her. He had heard tales from the southern lands over the years; tales of the mistress whom everyone feared. He considered now, that whoever it was that had told her about him; either did not know him themselves, or preferred to place her at a disadvantage. If she knew he was an inu youkai, she would know he would have no trouble scenting the myriad of souls circling through her body and would thus know what she was. But she was a fool at any rate to venture out of her lands and into his, without knowing more than she did.

Her coloring which was similar to his own looked even paler as Princess Edera stood before him dressed in a long black shroud that completely covered her body even down to the glove like appendages that coated itself around her long, extruded claws. She had four horns on her head; three protruding upward in a single line, progressing in height as they tapered back on the right side of her head and a single horn that curled repeatedly and lay flat against that same side of her head. The left side of her face was marked with spider web-like heritage markers. She carried no weapons. Except for what power she may contain in her own body; clearly, the wolf demon dogs at her sides were her only line of defense. The youkai lord could scent a myriad of youkai souls floating around her; seeming to emanate from within her very body. He knew she was a youkai sorceress; and there was only one type of sorceress that would scent as she did--a succuvex.  He had heard of one residing in one of the lands; was this her? If she had come to attack, she would soon learn that both her and her demon dogs had confronted the wrong youkai lord.

"Why are you here," Sesshomaru demanded with little patience. He would know if this was the sorceress of whom he had heard; but from what he scented, he had no doubts. He would also know what her business with him was. It was not that he cared, he was simply curious; because he knew for certain, she would die if she dared overstep her bounds. His curiosity was his one failing that he always found intriguing.

A flash of bright red light flickered from a jewel on her right ear, an indication that she had sparked her youkai. "First, I shall test your strength," she said, unabashedly clapping her hands several times, then pointing her right hand straight in front of her sending the pack of wolf demon dogs on her right into feral attack mode.

"Test his strength?" Sesshomaru narrowed his gaze in irritation, growling slightly as he watched the demon wolf dogs rush forward. "Jaken, step back,'' he warned the little youkai at his heels, raising his clawed fingers, preparing for counter attack as he volatized his energy whip.

Emitting some sort of grunting response, Jaken quickly scooted backward as commanded, away from the pack of dogs rushing toward his master and watched as Sesshomaru raised and flipped his hand through the air, releasing the powerful energy from his finger tips.

The youkai lord's energy whip danced and leapt back and forth, up and down, obeying its master's commands, pulverizing the attacking dogs in less than a minute.

"You are incredible, Lord Sesshomaru," Jaken exclaimed in awed admiration of his master's quick demise of the threat.

"What is the purpose of this attack?" Sesshomaru demanded, his crimson-lidded eyes refusing to blink as he readied himself for additional strikes. If she dared send any of her remaining demon dogs into attack, he would simply kill her where she stood. But with the scent of the number of youkai flowing within her, if she was indeed a succuvex, which he was certain she was, she had far more fire power within her own body, so why had she sent those wolf demon dogs into attack at all? Was her power not what he assumed it to be, or could it possibly be that she truly did not know his power? If not, why was she here?

"Impressive, but you did not use your swords," was the only response offered by Princess Edera; her eyes widening with obvious delight; as if some ultimate issue had been confirmed.

"I can use them on you, if you desire," Sesshomaru glared through narrowed slits for eyes, reaching across himself and placing his right hand on Bakusaiga's tsuka. In the past, he would have squelched such a ridiculous threat at the very source without a second thought. He still might, but for now, he wanted to know her purpose.

"Not necessary, I'm quite sure you're an excellent swordsman," Princess Edera's lips dripped with what to Sesshomaru was an obvious false smile that betrayed no true emotion.

It angered him that this youkai would dare approach him with such obvious presumptuousness. He fought the urge to simply fly at her and rip out her throat this very second. It mattered not that she was female; human females may well be weaker than the males, but female youkai could be even more powerful; besides, he knew this was no ordinary youkai female. He could not help but wonder if his desire to be patient with the hanyou had caused him to go soft. But he immediately discounted that thought. He would never allow himself to be weak. But he could not prevent himself from wondering why he was, at this very minute, considering the same question the hanyou had evoked in him. Why had he not already taken her life?

"I am here because I have a proposition for you."

"Proposition?" Sesshomaru impatiently narrowed his gaze, studying her intently as his thoughts immediately recalled Kagura, the only other female youkai who had dared come to him with thoughts of a proposition. But this youkai was a long way away from her. What proposition could she possibly make that would be of any interest to this daiyoukai?

"Yes, I have heard you are the most powerful youkai in the western lands," she said as she began to move forward. "As the lord of this territory, I have come to request your assistance."

"Stay your ground," Sesshomaru ordered with a commanding lift of his hand. He knew this was not a youkai he should allow to advance; and he would undoubtedly kill her where she stood, if need be.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Just thinking about the last time he'd seen his brother and the horrible gashes he'd left on his face, made him feel worse than he had when he'd cut off his arm. But that was probably because it was him who had provoked the situation this time, not Sesshomaru. For whatever reason, though, Inuyasha found the courage to go back. He had fretted over this for far too long. Sesshomaru had not come to kill him, and Inuyasha had no idea why he hadn't. But one thing he did know was that he couldn't continue sitting around waiting, perhaps even risking being killed while he slept.

The sun beat down on the top of Inuyasha's head. A marked difference in the temperature now than when he'd left the village earlier. He'd started out for Sesshomaru's camp earlier that morning, approximately three hours ago, and all he could think of during the entire time he made his way to his brother's camp was, would Sesshomaru kill him the moment he arrived? He hadn't exactly leaped and bounded his way there--no, he pretty much crawled; and that's exactly what he was doing now, crawling back. He was in no hurry to be sliced up by his brother's Bakusaiga.

Would Sesshomaru think he'd come back to attack him again, and simply lay waste to the stupid hanyou who dared challenge him? Would he even manage to get close enough to his brother to even apologize? Apologize? Shit, that's a word he never thought he'd use with that daiyoukai. Apologize. Sesshomaru probably wouldn't even let him get close enough to do any such thing. He was probably a fool for even trying. He should simply let his arrogant stuck up brother have his own space by staying out of his way. To try to approach him after what he'd done, probably meant certain death for sure.

But he couldn't do it. He couldn't just let this go. After listening to Rin, he'd practically made himself sick over the past few days just thinking and fretting about what he'd done. Sesshomaru had saved his life and he'd paid him back by leaving claw marks all over his face.

Inuyasha took a deep breath and stopped. Immediately, he detected Sesshomaru's scent up ahead along with another youkai. Sesshomaru wasn't at his camp; he had moved. He was a lot closer now than he thought he would be. Was he ready to face him? But who was the youkai he was with? It kind of scented like Koga's wolf dogs, but he didn't scent that mangy wolf anywhere. If Sesshomaru was busy, maybe now wasn't the best time to approach. Then, he was hit by the fact that there seemed to be several other youkai's with Sesshomaru--and then there was blood--the scent of blood. Not Sesshomaru's blood; the scent of some of the other youkai's blood sailed through the air on the skirt of the wind. Was Sesshomaru being attacked? Inuyasha clutched his Tetsusaiga and began to rush forward. He had to find out.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

"State your proposition!" Sesshomaru demanded with little patience; evaluating her with skepticism. He was certain this proposition would be of little to no value to him.

"I understand you seek to expand your empire," Princess Edera began as she studied the youkai lord with inquisitive brown eyes.

"What concern is that of yours?"

"As I said, I am Mistress of the southern lands. My empire can be yours."

Sesshomaru eyed her suspiciously. "Under what conditions?"

"My mate Prince Jamiako, was recently killed by Prince Shushinki."

"Shushinki?" Sesshomaru asked, his gaze remaining steady and unblinking as he stared into a pair of questionable brown eyes. Eyes that gave him no clue to her true purpose; but he had no doubts that she had one.

"Yes, a powerful and evil youkai from the north," she moved closer toward him.

"I said stay your ground," Sesshomaru ordered again his voice stern and commanding while holding his own ground steady; his grip tightening around his Bakusaiga's tsuka; his eyes narrowing to a threatening glare. Behind him, he scented the approach of a familiar scent and his senses immediately shifted into higher alert. The hanyou had returned. Why? Was he so foolish that he did not think he would know he had arrived? Did he truly have the audacity to try to test this daiyoukai once more? Was he foolish enough to think we would have an advantage because his back was turned? Sesshomaru had no idea why that hanyou would venture back into his territory. But he would keep his guard up this time. The last time he had foolishly let it drop, and he'd had his face split open for his troubles. The hanyou had stopped a distance away, but if he dared approach any closer, putting his nose where it clearly did not belong; he would kill him for certain, then kill this youkai who dared waste his time.

"As you wish," Princess Edera said, immediately coming to a halt. "Prince Shushinki plans to force me to become his mate and seize control of the southern lands."

"Why should this concern me?"

"I propose that you become my mate, kill Shushinki, and combine our lands," Princess Edera said it, as if it was nothing more than simple logic. A simple logic that the youkai lord could not possibly resist. "Then you can rule with me over the southern lands."

His face expressionless, his gaze fixed and determined Sesshomaru's reply was quite frank. He was not some foolish youkai in search of power at any cost. "I do not know you, your former mate or this Shushinki and I have no interest in becoming your mate."

"Well, if I am not to your liking, Lord Sesshomaru," Princess Edera continued, splaying her arms out to the side, in a deliberate attempt to entice him into changing his mind. "I have many young youkai from whom you can choose. And, you can still rule the southern lands with me, if you kill Shushinki."

"Enough," Sesshomaru said, his voice lowering to a deep seeded growl. He had no interest in mating, and certainly not with this youkai female who scented entirely of the souls of dead male youkai. Youkai whom she had likely killed. Did she simply think she had walked upon a baka? "If you do not leave now, you will soon regret coming," seething internally, he grew impatient with this encounter. If that youkai believed she would have this daiyoukai's power under the pretense of requiring assistance, she was far more ignorant than she looked.

"Are you saying you're afraid to fight Shushinki," the youkai princess snipped, her anger showing across her features as her eyes glittered dangerously. Clearly she had incorrectly assumed this would be far easier than it was.

"I said, I do not know you, your former mate or Shushinki," the youkai lord snarled, emphasizing his words, but his tone remained steady, despite growing even more impatient with a youkai who dared venture into his lands with a preposterous proposition. "And I have no interest in assisting you."

"I suggest you reconsider, Lord Sesshomaru," Princess Edera was persistent, the tenor of her voice rising steadily, as she dared threaten him. "Or you may find yourself regretting your choice."

"You insolent youkai; who do you think you are?! How dare you threaten Lord Sesshomaru?" Jaken demanded, quickly moving forward as he clenched a fist and threateningly waved his staff of two heads in an attempt to let her know exactly what he thought of her disrespect.

Annoyed, Sesshomaru rolled an equally irritated gaze down at the little youkai who would dare ignore his command to stay out of harm's way, forcing him to raise the timber in his voice. "Jaken, I said stay back," he ordered once again before continuing.

"Huh?" The little imp grunted something unintelligible as he looked questioningly up at his lord, then once more scooted backward.

"If I desired to rule the southern lands," Sesshomaru offered, narrowing his gaze. "I would simply kill you and this Shushinki. So, if you are truly interested in protecting your empire, I suggest you go do that now," his tone bristled as he pulled his Bakusaiga from its sheath.

This demon succuvex, which he was certain she was, had wasted enough of his time and he would tolerate this conversation no longer. "Or, if anyone regrets anything, you may regret ever leaving your comfort. You have come to the wrong youkai lord," Sesshomaru now brandished his Bakusaiga. "You have three choices, mate with Shushinki and rule together, or get rid of him by killing him yourself. If you do not have the resolve to do so, your final choice is to vacate your land and move on."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Unsheathing his Tetsusaiga, and keeping it at the ready to support his brother should he need it, Inuyasha stayed in the background, taking in the scene unfolding before him. Though he knew his pureblood youkai brother had probably already scented his arrival, he could see them, but he remained unseen. He could not hear their conversation, but that didn't matter. This was Sesshomaru's business. If he needed support, he would be there, but other than that, he would not interfere. Still he did try to ascertain exactly what was happening. From what he could see, a beautiful youkai surrounded by a pack of wolf demon dogs seemed to be asking for Sesshomaru's assistance. Inuyasha couldn't help but think she'd come to the wrong youkai for support.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

"How dare you insult me? You call yourself a youkai lord? You're nothing but a thoughtless coward," Princess Edera screamed; fierce anger bubbling up inside her, as hatred and irritation spewed forth through angered lips, yet hoping her brazen accusation would somehow incite the youkai lord into changing his mind.

Sesshomaru, though, simply stood there, staring at the overly emotional youkai with a deeply intense gaze, trying to ascertain her true objective. The reason she had come over 100 miles from the southern lands to his lands were clearly not as simple as she would have him believe. He was certain she had an ultimate objective, although he knew not what it could be.

"This is not over Lord Sesshomaru," Princess Edera insisted, bristling with angered aggression. "I am not a youkai to be trifled with. If you will not rule with me, you may not rule at all. Be brazen if you so desire, but you may well find that those you care for, will no longer care for you. Assisting me, may be the only choice you have," she hissed cryptically in obvious dissatisfaction. "You will assist me, or suffer dire consequences and be left with nothing."

Sesshomaru raised his sword, allowing the electrical energy to build. "Enough," he barked. "Leave now, or you will no longer have to worry about this Shushinki or anyone else, because you will die at my hand."

"I have never been denied, and I will not be now. My plans will be fulfilled," Princess Edera, clapped her hands, spun and departed with her demon wolf dog pack, a gigantic gust of wind rising up in their stead, swirling wildly behind them.

"The gall of that Princess Edera," Jaken piped up as he approached his lord. "Did she truly expect you to become her protector? To rule the southern lands. If that is your desire, you can do that anyway, there is no one more powerful than you Lord Sesshomaru," he said in his customary attempt to flatter his master.

"Are you a fool, Jaken?" Sesshomaru asked, watching as the cloud of dust disappeared into the horizon; ensuring that the princess had indeed departed. "That youkai is not interested in a protector."

"Me lord?" Jaken queried in puzzlement, as he frowned somberly. 'No matter how much I try to flatter him, he always treats me with such low regard,' Jaken muttered to himself.

Sesshomaru watched the gust of dust dissipate. Clearly, she had no idea whom she had approached; to come to him seeking assistance; she had to be either desperate or insane. He could imagine the kind of assistance she required.

Those you care for, will no longer care for you.

What did she mean by that? Sesshomaru wondered, then tried to determine exactly how far Princess Edera would go to achieve her objective. He probably should have taken her life then and there, but she had posed no immediate threat; still, if he knew anything, he knew she would be back, and he knew a youkai such as her, would likely bring nothing but trouble.
REMEMBER: All comments are welcome--good, bad, or otherwise, even if you just want to say you don't like the direction I'm going; or that it is far too excessive and detailed; as long as it's honest. So let me know what you think!
So here's the first of several new characters. I see some very interesting things coming. Hope you enjoy.

Princess Edera's appearance is based loosely on the character from the role-playing game Final Fantasy VIII --Edea. Her acts and abilities are not based at all on this character. I just liked her looks and thought it was suitable.

Did Sesshomaru say succuvex? Did he really mean to say succubus? Would Sesshomaru possibly get his youkai’s wrong?

Also, does that mean a heart to heart is finally coming? I hope so, but will it help, or is there just too much bad history to ever overcome? Will Inuyasha stay long enough to talk, or will Sesshomaru really kill him?

baka -- (fool)
chichi-ue -- (father)
Hiraikotsu -- (The bone that flies back)
okaa-san -- (mother)
tsuka -- (hilt)
youkai -- (demon)

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Previous: Chapter 7--What Happened Now?
Next: Chapter 9--The Truth
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ArtTwins347's avatar
Is this a Yaoi story? Sorry that been going on in my brain so much, I really got to know.